Oliver Turns 4!
Oliver turned 4 years old today. We had a lovely birthday party for him at Point Pleasant Park.
Brittany organized a face painter and a balloon artist, both who were very talented (though the boys all just wanted ‘light savers’, probably the easiest thing in her repertoire). She also made a Hulk pinata which turned out to be too much of a match for the children and required a Quackensmash to open it up.
The party happened to start just at the finish of a cross country charity bicycle event http://searsnationalkidscancerride.com – so there was a lot going on. There were also some funny moments. The first was a motorcycle club member who was somehow involved with the Cancer Ride who thought that the birthday party food was for the cancer ride. After Brittany started chatting with him he seemed embarrassed at the mistake, but then gave us some good info on the ride (17 days, 200km/day for each of two groups etc). Later on an Asian family invaded the party and started filming the kids (he had a gimbaled GoPro and was getting very close to everyone). At one point I think John had his arm around the mans wife for a photo.
The important thing was that the kids mostly had a blast, mostly entertaining themselves running around the park and enjoying the sunshine.
Deborah Hession on Facebook
Happy Birthday Oliver! We all miss you!!