This page has some photos and the GPS log from my motorcycle trip through the Northeastern and Southern United States. I went on the trip with my Father-in-law, who has been visiting the area for decades. We trailered the bikes from Halifax all the way down to DuBois PA, a 1,900 km trip. Once in DuBois we left the cager and trailer at the Harley Davidson dealer, then headed out on a trip south.

I only brought my point and shoot for this trip, so the photo quality isn’t great, but it gives an overview of our trip.

Izaak Alpert on Facebook
Just you and your dad?
Dan MacLean on Facebook
Miss riding with ya brother
Joe Adams on Facebook
Izaak – yes, just the two of us.
John van Gurp on Facebook
Looks like a great trip!
Mike Stead on Facebook
Looks awesome!