Arenal Sky Tram and Sky Trek
Brittany Oliver and I (Joe) went on a three day trip to Arenal with another couple that was also staying here at the Hermosa Bungalows. They have a daughter that is just one day older than Oliver so going on a three day trip made for the same baby-mindset and also gave us an opportunity to have a few minutes of alone time when we one couple would take care of both babies.
We will do another posting with photos from the Volcano and the Tabacon Hot Springs, but I’m doing this post first because it is the easiest to put together.
Prior to going to the hot springs which opened at 10 AM, we did some last minute research and checked out the Sky Trek. The location which is owned by a Costa Rican family had a ski-lift like tram ride to the top of the hill, which was baby friendly, and then you had the option of zip lining back down the mountain or taking the tram back down. As Brittany and I had already done the zip lining, we took both little ones back down the hill in the Tram and the other couple took the zip line down.